100% of your donation goes to Indonesia!
To build a church building in a very densely populated area of Bali, our goal is to raise $100,000.
Before John Malanowski graduated to Heaven from Bali, he was working with a Bible School graduate who has built a small congregation in Kuta, Bali. They have outgrown their rented store front!
Over 35 students are currently enrolled at this Bible School located in Central Java.
This church is thriving! It is the original church John Malanowski started in 1976!
Another new church building nearing completion on the northern side of Central Java
The launching of newly trained Bible School graduates back into cultures across Indonesia as pastors and Christian leaders of new church plants is an amazing blessing to be a part of!
As you may imagine, the needs are many with ongoing funding necessary to sustain a Bible School. From dormitories to books, equipment and even food, any monthly help you can give would be greatly appreciated!
Bible Schools and dormitories are critical to providing a sound learning environment where students can thrive in studying God's Word and ultimately carry out Jesus' command to "Go and make disciples..." New graduates and pastors need prayer and financial help getting launched.
Please pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ throughout Indonesia and for the Holy Spirit to do what only He can do in this largest Muslim nation on earth! They need and cherish our prayer support as well!
Will you consider helping Indonesians via Indonesia Thrive? Your tax-deductible gift will make a tremendous difference.
As Bible School graduates launch out to start new churches, many need financial support to help them get started.
Help us get Bibles into the hands of as many Indonesians as we can! God's Word will not return void!
"As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith."
~ Galatians 6:10